Aboriginal Art

Published on May 1 2014

The Aborigines people have making visual art for thousands of years. Their art takes many forms like wood and rock sculptures, body paintings, painting on rocks and leaves and wood, engravings.

Aboriginal body art is a very old tradition. Body art among the aborigines have different meanings and significance and forms according to the tribes and their location. Body painting is often used to tell a story and also to communicate the social status of a person, his or her age, totemic responsibilities, and the role or position he plays within the family group. Every type of painting and decoration corresponds to some regulation or convention as well as religious functions.

When I was in Australia I attended an Aboriginal ceremony, it was the passage of a young boy becoming a man, an adult, it was a scarring performance and all of his tribe was wearing different ornaments. It was very interesting to be able to watch a whole different culture during their ceremony.

Aboriginal ArtAboriginal Art

Written by Zoe Rabinowitz

Published on #Art

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have making!!! Grrrrr<br /> OMG: is the child on the right picture drinking a can??? Damn globalization!!!